About ToBa 2020-02-27T16:17:08+02:00

About ToBa

Semplify, Travel, Protect

These are the promises that a TO.BA makes to you. But above all, it guarantees the extraordinary nature of a unique and exceptional product.

The TO.BA helmet bag was created to answer to  the needs of those who use the scooter every day in the city and the comfortable management of the helmet once the two wheels are parked, a priority requirement.

The inspiration comes from one of the many journeys that bind Enrico, founder of the project, to the city of Barcelona: it is in the sense of the research matured along the way from Turin to Barcelona that he conceived the idea of ​​the TO.BA, from a personal need drawing it with his hands.

The TO.BA helmet bag has been made with a clear understanding of the safety, practicality and protection of the jet helmet combined with the sense of “beauty”.

The result is a unique, smart, efficient accessory thanks to its versatility and, of course, with maximum ease of use.